Research is important because it guides best practice, helps to uncover the things we need to look at in more detail and explores what people think about feel about their conditions or the therapy they have experienced so that we can provide the best therapy possible.
My research has primarily been focussed on eliciting experiences or giving a voice to people's feelings; for example surgeons and front line medical staff who have been experiencing post traumatic stress symptoms through their work; hearing from people with a little known physical health condition called Inducible Laryngeal Obstruction; or from medical students working for the first time on their cancer rotation.
I have also contributed research into how best to help people with asthma where stress, anxiety or low mood may exacerbate their symptoms, or post traumatic stress has arisen as a result of an attack.
Once this work has been done, publishing it ensures that the work can be accessed by others who are interested or working in that field. Where available, I have provided links to the abstracts, or summaries of the studies I have worked on.
Barlow R, Ahmed A, Fellows J, Goulding J, Handley K, Schneider A, Thompson A, Valente M, Waters C and Eleftheriadou V. Assessing and managing the mental health of people with vitiligo: a UK-wide consultation exercise. British Journal of Dermatology, Volume 190, Issue 4, April 2024, Pages 574–576 Abstract
H Hussein, J Fellows, J Marsh, A Bahron, A Mansur (2022) Patterns of psychological conditions presenting to a severe asthma psychology service. European Respiratory Journal 2022 60: 2763; Abstract
Cox D, Fellows JL and Goulding JMR (2021) Patient’s perspective on a novel psychological therapy approach (flash technique) for neurofibromatosis. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. 47(4) 789-790 Full text
Large J, Naumann D, Fellows J, Connor C,Ahmed Z (2021) Clinical outcomes following major trauma for patients with a diagnosis of depression: a large UK database analysis. Trauma, Surgery and Acute Care Open 6(1) Abstract
Wanigasooriya K, Palimar P, Naumann D, Ismail K, Fellows JL, Logan P, Thompson CV, Bermingham H, Beggs A, Ismail T (2020) The mental health impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on hospital workers. BJPsychOpen 7(1) Full text
Fellows, JL, Stimpson, A, Hussein H and Mansur AH (2020) Illness perceptions in difficult to treat asthma compared with a depressed psychosis cohort. Annals of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology 124(2):203-205 Full text
Naumann DN, McLaughlin, A., Thompson CV, Hardy E., Fellows, JL, Crombie N. (2017). Acute stress and front-line healthcare providers. Journal of paramedic practice. 9.12 516 Abstract
Thompson, C, Naumann, D, Fellows, J., Bowley, D and Suggett, N (2016) The uncomfortable truth of post-traumatic stress disorder amongst surgical trainees. ASGBI abstracts short papers of distinction. British Journal of Surgery Society 103 (S6): 0154. Abstract
Maskell, C, Pargeter, N, Fellows, J, Mansur, A, Howard, R (2015) M11 A preliminary biopsychosocial model of Vocal Cord Dysfunction (VCD). In: British Thoracic Society winter meeting. 2-4 December 2015. London: Thorax;70:A231-A232 Abstract
Maskell, C, Pargeter, N, Fellows, J and Mansur, A (2015) Rapid Response Re: How to talk to someone with an “untreatable” lifelong condition. British Medical Journal 2015;351:h5037 Full text
Thompson, CV, Naumann, DN, Fellows, JL, Bowley, DM and Suggett, N (2015) Post-traumatic stress disorder amongst surgical trainees: An unrecognised risk? The Surgeon doi: 10.1016/j.surge.2015.09.002 Abstract
Thompson, C, Suggett, N and Fellows, J (2015) Rapid Response - Must “second victims” always be in the wrong? British Medical Journal 350:h2331 Full text
Fellows, J, Flower, L, Blakey, J, Kurukulaartchy, R, Howard, R and Mansur, A (2015) Case Series: The application of “third wave” Cognitive Behavioural Therapies in difficult to treat asthma. Journal of Asthma. 52(9);905-912 Abstract
Satherley, R, Fellows, J, Mitchell, V and Mansur, A (2013) Quality of life in severe asthma: A role for the MDT. British Thoracic Society winter meeting 4-6 December 2013 Thorax;68:Suppl 3 A196-A197 doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2013-204457.415 Abstract
Blakey JD, Woolnough K, Fellows J, Walker S, Thomas M, Pavord ID (2013) Assessing the risk of attack in the management of asthma: a review and proposal for revision of the current control-centred paradigm. Primary Care Respiratory Journal;22(3):344-352 Full text
Blakey, JD, Woolnough, K. James, AC, Fellows, J. Obeidat, M, Navaratnam V, Stringfellow, T, Yeoh, ZW, Pavord, I, Thomas, M and Walker S. (2012) S62 A systematic review of factors associated with future asthma attacks to inform a risk assessment questionnaire. British Thoracic Society winter meeting. 5-7 December 2012 Thorax 2012;67;A31-A32 doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2012-202678.068 Abstract
Fellows, JL, Watters, C and Gatherer, A (2012) Clients' experiences of psychodynamic therapies: A phenomenological study. European Journal of Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy. 6;8-19 Full text
Fellows, JL, Jones, L (2011) Challenging behaviour: service user consultation. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 5(3);30–37 Abstract
Jones, F, Fellows, JL, Horne, D DL. (2010) Coping with cancer: a brief report on stress and coping strategies in medical students. Psycho-Oncology, 20(2);219-223 Abstract
Fellows JL, Watters, C, and Gatherer, A (2009) Clients experiences of psychodynamic and brief psychodynamic therapy. Oral presentation at Society of Psychotherapy Research Conference, 14-16 March 2009. Presentation slides
Fellows, J, Parry C and Hammond-Rowley, S (2007) CAMHS training for school nurses in North Wales. Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry. 11(7);34-38 Full text